We have the solution for two left feet!

Take the next step and call us at (207) 877-5244

Frequently Asked Dance Questions

How do I get started?

We recommend you call or e-mail to schedule an introductory private lesson. ($25 for 45 minutes)  This lesson will give you the basics and also work as your orientation to the studio.

During a private lesson, you will be introduced to two or three of the most popular social dances. At the end of the lesson, we will determine a balance of private lessons, group classes, and practice parties that work best for your schedule, budget and goals.

You are under no obligation to continue, but I believe you will have so much fun you will want to keep learning.

If you prefer, you can attend one of the group classes as your first lesson. Just check the calendar and please arrive a few minutes early your first time in.

What if I have “two left feet”?

Most students are concerned they have “two left feet” or no rhythm. Some have tried classes before with little to no success.

The “two left feet syndrome” is cured by learning to consciously shift your weight from foot to foot. This usually isn’t something you think about on a day to day basis. Part of learning to dance is creating that awareness and rediscovering your right foot!

Good instructors are trained to find out how your brain and body prefer to learn and teach by whichever method works best for you. This makes learning to dance fun and easy, instead of complicated and frustrating.

What if I have no rhythm?

Everyone has rhythm or they would not be able to walk!  Anyone who feels they have no rhythm  hasn’t been taught how to listen for a beat in the music. Part of learning to dance is training your ear to hear the beat, and learning how to match your steps and body movements to the beat.

You are not required to have rhythm to learn to dance. Dancing is a learned social art form. We don’t just teach you steps. We teach you how to move your body and dance!

How much does it cost?

How much you choose to invest in your dance training is entirely up to you! We operate on an a la carte system. This means you pay for each lesson, class or party as you take it. There are no hidden costs, contracts, or membership requirements.

Practice Parties: $10.00 per person

Group Classes:  $15.00 per single,  $25.00 per couple; $125.00 per single, $200.00 per couple, for a 10 class card.

Private Lessons: $85.00 for each 45 minute lesson;  $400.00 for series of 5 privates; $750.00 for series of 10 privates

Introduction to Ballroom Package: $225.00 3 Private Lessons, and 2 Practice Parties

Please Note: This package is for first-time students, and can only be purchased once.

How long does it take to learn to dance?

This is a tough question. The simple answer is: you can start dancing after your first lesson. Most people can have enough skill to dance basics socially after a few private lessons and 2-3 months of practicing.

The more accurate answer depends on a lot of factors; How good do you want to be? How often will you be taking lessons?  What is the ratio of private lessons, group classes, and practice parties you will be attending? How often do you practice on your own?  Unfortunately, there really isn’t a guaranteed answer we can give you.

The best we can do is a range based on past experience. We have found that it takes an average student 1 to 3 years to complete a Bronze program depending on the above factors. At the end of this time, you will have mastered 10-15 patterns in each dance. A solid grasp on technique and styling will ensure you look and feel comfortable and confident on the dance floor.

Do I need a partner?

 A partner is not necessary.  While you are learning your instructor will dance with you as your partner during private lessons.  In group classes and at dance parties you will be introduced to other dancers at your level to dance with.

How often should I take a lesson?

We recommend at least once a week you either take a private or group class. This prevents you from forgetting too much in between and becoming frustrated.

The best way to learn is to do as much as you can comfortably, in the beginning, to get the basics in your brain and body. After that, you can spread out your lessons and attend groups or parties to practice and keep it fresh. Then add in a private every now and then to add a new step, check your progress, or answer questions.

What should I wear?

Students wear anything from blue Jeans to shirt and tie, sometimes it’s whatever they wore to work that day.

Parties are a little more dressy. Blue Jeans are still allowed, but most people dress as though they were going out to a nice restaurant.

We recommend soft soled dress shoes for footwear. Athletic shoes are fine for your first few lessons. Please be aware that flip flops, slides, and many sandals are not recommended. It is difficult to walk backward in them, and they don't provide any stability.  

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Starting September 24th

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